
Active..Lazy.. Which kind are u??

............................................FACT BEHIND UR BEHAVIOUR

There are two types of nerves in our body based on the function they do.

  • Sympathetic Nerves
  • Para Sympathetic Nerves

Sympathetic nerves are responsible for all the activities. para Sympathetic nerves are responsible for the relaxation or rest. This is what called as Suriya nadi and chandra nadi in yogic terms.

For an ideal person, both these nadis or nerves should be balanced.(meaning work and rest are balanced) . But when a person is hyper-active or very lazy, there is an imbalance in these nadis and it definitely will lead the person to disease gradually.

So A balanced diet, balanced work and rest should be adopted to lead a long and healthy life.

Practicing pranayamas and other yogic practices will help us maintain this balance.

I dont know whether we can put it to practice, But I surely hope this is informative and creates an awareness .....


Refelexology... what is it???

Recently , I came across this word when i was reading a monthly magazine. just out of curiosity, i went thru the article and browsed some facts in google..

Reflexology is a technique that is used to massage our feet and hands where the nerves from different parts of the body forms a hub . if we give proper massage here, it rejunavates all parts of the body.However, It is only a supplement to the undergoing treatment and not complete by itself.

Not only this happens in legs, but also in hands.

Most of the pain occurs for humans only when the emotions are not released and get stagnated in the cell memory. This stagnated /negative energy is felt as something hard in the fist/feet. if we give proper massage to such regions, it will relieve the stress in that part of the body where there is energy stagnation.

so a ten minute massage to our feet and hands daily will pay a huge returns in terms of health!!!

Little things in life make a big difference! :)


Zero Energy Mystery.. some facts !

Today I was very curious to do some thing different .. googled zero enery+aura .. then went in to this site

Then i scanned thru each and every line of it.. it has awesome facts regarding how the zero energy is functioning thru the earth, relationship between the human and electro magnetic rays, human body as a transmitter/receiver of cosmic rays, the cosmic cycle -its awesome 26000 year interval, how earth align and gets in resonance with the galactic centre or the black hole, mayan's theory, new era after the cosmic evolution in 2012, evoluting to higher dimensions, heart as a transmitter of EM rays, different interpretations of this zero energy by different cultures across the world(chakras in india, acupuncture in chinese, reiki in japan) , different zero energy products.

After reading all these i got interested to read more on how homeopathy works, how different systems of medicines work.. may be i will continue to blog on these kind of things in the future..

awesome facts.. just go and experience urself !!!
